Political Stooges

Political Stooges
Mahatma Gandhi of India once said: “I object to violence because when it appears to do good, the good is only temporary; the evil it does is permanent.”
Violence in any form in our quest to win political power is condemnable. Intolerance is itself a form of violence and an obstacle to the growth of true democratic spirit.
Misunderstandings in politics are understandable sometimes because we are dealing with different political parties with varied political ideals. However, where political parties have institutionalized violence in our burgeoning political system as means to intimidate political opponents just to win power must be condemned by all regardless of our political affiliations.
On the 7th of July 2015, political thugs were captured live wielding various guns and ammunition, explosives, machetes and other offensive weapons meant to intimidate innocent indigenes of Talensi who had gone out to exercise their democratic right in a by-election following the enskinment of the then incumbent Member of Parliament, Hon. Robert Mosore as Paramount Chief of Tongo Traditional Area in the Upper East Region. No arrest had been made so far (I stand to be corrected).
Whereas former President Rawlings, some minority political parties and other well-meaning Ghanaians have called for the immediate arrest and prosecution of those violent thugs, operatives  and surrogates for  both the ruling  National Democratic Congress, NDC and the largest opposition party, New Patriotic Party (NPP) were on radio endorsing and defending the nefarious act.
What happened in Talensi was not the first, and certainly would not be the last. In most cases, violent acts such as what took place in Talensi have always been glossed over, especially where the act is deemed as internal party matters, without the police taking the necessary actions to arrest and prosecute perpetrators of those heinous crimes. In fact, more of such uncouth and violent acts are expected even as the country inches closer to the election 2016.
Why should the innocent Ghanaians sacrifice their lives and properties for the sake of some few greedy individuals? Why should the state lose valuable assets all in the name of politics?
“When two elephants fight,” as the saying goes, “it’s the grass that suffers.” Majority of the people in Talensi have no idea what politics is about, so why should they suffer for something they have no knowledge of? The indigenes of Talensi had only gone out to exercise their democratic right just as any other Ghanaian. There is nothing, absolutely nothing these innocent people would gain from politicians except vain promises and calabashes of 'pito' as compensation for their votes.
What is more disturbing, political parties have always taken advantage of the high poverty level in the three northern regions to exploit and deceive many of the gullible teaming youth to carry out their diabolical acts.
“Do not exploit the poor because they are poor and do not crush the needy in court, for the Lord will take up their case and will exact life for life.” (Proverbs 22:22 and 23) the good book warns.
The “Azorka Boys”, known National Democratic Congress (NDC) thugs and the latest, “Bolgatanga Bull Dogs” supposedly affiliated to the New Patriotic Party (NPP) are both birthed in the Northern part of this country. As a young man from the upper east region, this is worrying.
Apart from the Bolgatanga Bull Dogs, the NPP also has an internal security known as the “Invisible forces”. Many of the members of this so-called “Invisible forces” are drawn from the three northern regions of Ghana. The emergence of these violent groups in the northern and upper east regions is a cause for worry to many of us.
So why would some youth in the northern part of Ghana allow themselves to be used as tools (what I call dirty political stooges) for political gain? Have these groups asked themselves why we do not have such groupings in the Ashanti and Eastern Regions, supposedly strongholds of the NPP; and Volta Region, a stronghold of the ruling NDC. Strangely, all these violent groups are springing up in the Northern and Upper East Regions respectively, apparently the poorest regions in Ghana.
One would have thought that a group such as Bolgatanga Bull Dogs would have it roots either in the Ashanti or Eastern Regions since those two regions are strongholds of the NPP.  Regrettably, the Upper East Region, a region where most of the indigenes hardly feed themselves is the home of another political ‘gruppo’ ready to be deployed by their political masters for self-aggrandizement with no regard to the lives of those concerned.
Have these unproductive groups also asked themselves why most of the youth in the three northern regions are school dropouts as compared to other regions in the country.
Have they further asked themselves why most of the youth in these deprived regions are in southern Ghana such as Kumasi, koforidua, Accra, etc. doing ‘kayoyee’ instead of schooling?
In June 2015, old Fadama (Sodom/Gomorrah) was demolished leaving most of the people homeless. Sadly, most of these people do not have enough to feed themselves let alone rent better apartments for their families. It’s believed about 95% of the people leaving in Sodom and Gomorrah is from the three northern regions.
If our people would join hands together, fight indefatigably against injustice always being meted out to our people because of our tribal marks; if we would join hands, fight tirelessly for our share of the national cake; if we would come together, stand for the education and equal right of all Ghanaian children regardless of our tribal and political inclination, not only would posterity praise our good deeds, Ghana will be a better home for all of us.
On the contrary, politicians have managed to brainwash some of us to the extent that one could kill a brother or sister without remorse for the benefit of some few rapacious individuals rather than exercising such enthusiasm and patriotism for the interest of Ghana. What an evil world we live in!
Dolefully, the political parties these thugs claim to support are the same people that are treating most of our people like pigs. In fact, even pigs have glory than the northerner in some parts of this country.
What is more disturbing is the fact that most of the members of these violent groups do not have employable skills, so that should their party win they are placed appropriately. Politics is something we all can hardly do without. It is the gospel truth. In one way or the other, we are aligned to one political ideology or the other.
Quite recently, a member of the Let My Vote Count (LMVC), a group aligned to the NPP allegedly lost one of his eyes in a demonstration embarked upon by the group to press home the party demands for a new voters register. Sad as it may, that eye cannot be replaced. The young man in question claims he was fighting for the NPP. Isn’t this interesting!
In some situations, it has even led to the loss of lives all in the name of ‘fighting for my party’. Meanwhile, the people whom these violent groups claim they are fighting for have all their wards studying in the best schools abroad. Interesting!
What does this mean to you? Perhaps, I should elucidate: it simply means that the politician you claim to be fighting and killing yourselves for and his/her family will continue to progress while you and your entire generation continue to wallop up in dire poverty and disgrace for ages. This is akin to slavery in the colonial era.
Personally, I have no beef with any young man with the ambition to embrace politics as his/her profession. A country such as ours certainly needs intelligent, creative, energetic and brave young men and women to take over the helm of affairs in order to move our nation forward. Unfortunately, our older folks who should have been the ones mentoring these teaming youth have suddenly shirked their responsibilities and are rather training the youth to be violent. Their actions are obvious.
As the country inches closer to the 2016 general elections, politicians are looking forward to recruiting more unemployed youth into doing dirty jobs in return for coins, bottles of ‘alomo’ bitters or some calabashes of 'pito' among others all in the name of politics. Upon a successful election, only some grateful ones will return to say 'thank u' as a sign of appreciation. The politician has one objective in mind: win political power, nothing else.
You must learn to take your own cross and stop mounting pressure on politicians who certainly have nothing to offer than nugatory unfulfilled promises. It is a fact that no politician would be able to solve your problems no matter what. The best they can offer is bottles of beer or calabashes of ‘pito’.
Why would you then spend your valuable time fighting and killing yourselves for these same insatiable politicians who are only interesting in exploiting you as stooges for their own gain?
 Life is a race (with caution), those who run the race with determination shall be declared winners at the end. All you need is endurance and a goal in mind. No one on this planet can run your race for you; you must run your own race. It is not for nothing that some appendages to certain political parties usually take over management of public toilet facilities as compensation for the numerous unfulfilled promises made to them for the dirty jobs they do during the electioneering periods.What do you expect when you go about making wild promises to party foot soldier without fulfilling same?
It is better to be a slave in your own cubicle than a slave to someone who only knows your name.
A word to the wise is enough.
 Analimbey, Adobe-Rah Chris
Follow me on twitter: @analimbeychris
Email: analimbeychris@gmail.com              
