Even dogs aren't gay

On the 2nd of July 2015, President Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe and current chair of African Union was quoted as saying: "Even Satan wasn't Gay….” His reason was that if Satan was gay, he would have simply approached naked Adam instead of naked Eve.

The simple analogy by Mr. Mugabe, in his opinion, illustrates how bad Satan himself detested same sex affair from the beginning. Though the Bible did not tell us what the exact gender of Satan (Snake) was when he approached naked Eve, we can only assume that Satan was a male. Bible confirms Satan as being male when he was jettisoned from heaven, so we are certain he was the same person that approached Eve in the glorious Garden of Eden. No wonder he fell in love with beautiful naked Eve.

Also, we are not told by scripture whether satan had a sexual affair with Eve (thank God Mr. Mugabe; the most learned president in the world did not say Satan had sexual affair with naked Eve). But something was obvious: Satan indeed chose to approach naked Eve instead of naked Adam so there is some truth in Mr. Mugabe's argument.

Many of us woke up on Tuesday morning, June 26, 2015, to learn that the US Supreme Court had ruled that the US Constitution guarantees the right for same-sex couples to marry in all 50 US states. Associate Justice Anthony Kennedy stated in the majority opinion: "The Court, in this decision, holds same-sex couples may exercise the fundamental right to marry in all States."

The first law providing for marriage of people of the same sex in modern times was enacted in 2001 in the Netherlands. As of 26 June 2015, eighteen countries (Argentina, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Denmark,[nb 2] France, Iceland, Luxembourg, the Netherlands,[nb 3] New Zealand,[nb 4] Norway, Portugal, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, the United Kingdom,[nb 5] the United States and Uruguay) and certain sub-jurisdictions allow same-sex couples to marry. Similar laws in Finland, Ireland, and Slovenia are not yet in force. Polls show rising support for legally recognizing same-sex marriage in the Americas, Australia, and most of Europe. However, with the exceptions of South Africa and Israel, no country in Africa or Asia recognizes same-sex marriage. In addition to civil marriage, various faith communities around the world support allowing same-sex couples to marry or conduct same-sex marriage ceremonies.

In the 5-to-4 ruling, the Supreme Court said that state bans on same-sex marriage violate due process and equal protection rights of the Fourteenth Amendment.

The decision effectively ends a rancorous state-by-state debate over same-sex marriage and extends a welcoming hand to a segment of American society that has faced open hostility and discrimination.

As such, the marriage decision represents a huge victory for the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) community, their friends, families, and other supporters.

Is it surprising? You don't have to be……… C'est la vie!

1982 was the year my old lady brought me into this wicked and diabolical world after my old man legally injected part of me into one of the ova of my old lady culminating in my birth. Many years have passed now. This used to be the acceptable practice among the human race, even animals agree with me until now. Signs of the end times I believe.

After the legalization of the same sex in the United States, a number of questions have been hovering over my 'little' mind begging for answers. Perhaps I should share with you: the gay, who born 'ham'? How are they born? Better still, how were they born? How do they intend to procreate? Artificial insemination I guess!

Many have argued that gay (a term that primarily refers to a homosexual person or the trait of being homosexual), started in the Old Testament days and that it wasn't wrong for persons of same sex to be sexually involved. However, those making these shallow arguments seem to forget that Sodom and Gomorrah, where same sex was believed to have originated as far as Christianity is concerned, were both annihilated for practicing such an immoral and diabolical act.
To some of us the legalization of same-sex marriage is nothing but bad omen that sooner than later the world will come to an end. Men are now lovers of themselves, poverty and hunger everywhere, corruption, genocide, ritual killings etc. (all signs of the end times).

Sodom and Gomorrah were warned many times, interceded for by Major Prophets, yet that couldn't prevent God from outpouring His wrath on residents of that wicked twin city. Something that is wrong is wrong. There is no justification for engaging or legalizing an immoral act such as same-sex marriage all in the name of so-called human rights. In my village, even dogs aren't gay. In the animal kingdom, animals know it's morally wrong to engage in same sex. The act is immoral, inhumane, and culturally unacceptable and must be condemned in no uncertain terms.

I am reliably informed that many so-called gays in Ghana and in some part of the world have called on Parliament of Ghana, the government and other African countries to consider legalizing the act following the ruling in the USA apex court else they risk losing support from the so-called “rich nations”

Well, the late President John E. A. Mills vehemently opposed such an idea describing it as “ungodly”. The courage recently displayed by President Uhuru Kenyatta of Kenya, when President Obama suggested that homosexuals and lesbians rights should be respected by the African continent, depicts the degree with which some African leaders disapprove of same-sex marriage.

It is my hope that His Excellency President John Mahama will not disappoint his boss and the people of this country by dancing to the dirty tunes of so-called rich nations all in the name of foreign support. In fact, President Uhuru minces no words when he openly told Mr. Obama that the issue of homosexuality was a “non-issue” in Kenya. In order word, Kenyans have important issues such as hunger, lack of social amenities, corruption, poverty among others to deal with and not an inconsequential issue as the legalization of a same sex affair.

By legalizing gay marriages in Ghana, we are not only going to invoke curses on our esteemed homeland Ghana, but we will never be spared the wrath of God that was visited upon the land of Sodom and Gomorrah for engaging in such a diabolical act.

Ghana is already bedevilled with so many socio-economic problems including 'dumsɔr' that needs urgent divine intervention; therefore, an attempt to legalize such an evil act in Ghana will worsen our situation that could take several years to recover.

The call by Mr. Mugabe for all Africans to reject same sex marriage wasn't only timely but appropriate.

In Buli, there is a saying that: 'nanjung kai ale kaa wom sinsaga la, va ka kpie a cheng voripo'. To wit 'a housefly that refuses to pay heed to advice, follows the dead to the grave'. Even animals change. The earlier people who engage in such acts change from such an evil way the better for them.

Same sex marriage is sinful and contrary to the teachings of the scriptures and must not be accepted in a human society. A word to the wise is enough.

By Analimbey Adobe-Rah Chris

Read more at: https://www.modernghana.com/news/632857/1/even-dogs-arent-gay.html
